Monday, November 17, 2008

#23-Is This Really the End? Or Just the Beginning ...

Wow! I'm on my last exercise. I'm sure glad we only had 23 things to do instead of the original 43 things this program was based on. I'm very glad I participated in this because I learned so much. There is a lot out there on the web that I have never heard of, and this opened me up to a whole new 2.0 world. Already, I have taken some of what I learned and am telling our patrons about it. We have one person that coordinates volunteers and takes the lead on big projects. She was trying to put together information she gathered into coordinated sign up sheets. I told her about the online productivity tools that were collaborative and would make that job so much easier on her. We are going to sit down next time she comes in so I can show her where to find them and how they can work for her. She was so excited! I had another patron that said she needed to sit down and catalog all her books. I told her how she could easily do that with LibraryThing, and she too was excited. I love learning about new things-technology related things really excite me. I stretched myself by trying things I have never done before (as documented in my blog entries). I do have to say that it was difficult to do at work. I was committed to using that 1 hour per week at work to do this, but in reality that only happened about 5-6 times. The majority of this was completed on my own time on my computer at home. Again, I would like to receive the Creative MP3 player as my prize for completing this program. I plan to review these lessons to look at them more in depth. I also plan on continuing to learn about and use these web 2.0 applications. They are so awesome!


Anonymous said...

do you seriously think they could have gotten people (besides nutcases like me) to do this project if it had over 40 things on it?

Deirdre said...

Congratulations on finishing! It sounds like you got a LOT out of it. I love how you have been able to use your new found knowledge and expertise to help others, as well as yourself.

I hope you keep on learning and helping others. What a wonderful example for us all.
