Saturday, November 1, 2008

#15-On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0 ...

I struggle with understanding what exactly is Library 2.0? I am a very concrete black and white thinker. I need examples not ideologies. I really liked John Blyberg's article-11 Reasons Library 2.0 Exists and Matters. It helped me to understand how we are going to need to change in order to remain relevant in a post Google era. It is rare to find one of our patrons, without a computer that is connected to the web in their home nowadays. The amount of information and services that opens up to them is staggering. How can we as a library compliment those services they are already receiving? Sarah Houghton says....

"The basic drive is to get people back into the library by making the library relevant to what they want and need in their daily lives…to make the library a destination and not an afterthought.”

That makes sense to me-making the library a destination and not an afterthought. If we continue to do things the same old way and not change with the times and technologies, we will become stagnant. When I think of a stagnant body of water I think of something that is mucky and smelly and very undesirable. In order to be relevant, we must change and bring in fresh ideas and use new technologies that are already being used by our patrons. I still struggle with how to use these new technologies, but I agree that we must begin.

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